
Thank you for visiting my website. You may be here because you have heard about me or you are looking for travel and tourism marketing expertise. I have worked for many successful and happy years in the tourism and leisure industry based in the UK, but also working internationally.

If we haven’t yet met, you will find information about my business, Tebje Associates on the pages in the menu above. Of course you can contact me if you would like to discuss your tourism marketing comms.

what can i do for you?

I offer tourism marketing comms services and business support for business owners and managers needing the tools and techniques to make their businesses stand out and be noticed. But not in a ‘something for everyone’ approach; in a way that will resonate with customers and your target audiences. If you are looking for one-to-one business advice on your start-up, new product or service development, trends and the marketplace or simply a refresher on creating meaningful content through marketing planning and implementation, we should speak.

Subscribe to my new B2b Talking Travel & Tourism weekly newsletter here.

My clients are from the public and private sector and include: many many small businesses, heritage, countryside, National Trails, NTO’S, DMO’s, UNWTO, county councils, district councils & city councils.

I am part of a lovely collaborative community celebrating and sharing what we know and love about where we live. As a micro influencer, I post and regularly share what I see and enjoy on Instagram @ChilternHills. I can reach local audiences through high quality imagery and stories.

My blog has evolved into my new weekly Micro Travels with Mary newsletter that charts the micro-seasons across the year – which makes for easier interpretation and greater enjoyment. I can show you how to write interesting and relevant bite-sized content.

I took the plunge and taught myself to make videos and have recorded a number of vlogs that you can see on Vimeo. I can show you how to make a short video about you and your projects.

What am i working on now?

I am working on a number marketing comms and product development projects. I have particularly enjoyed the Ridgeway National Trail 50th anniversary as have had the opportunity to create new video’s and marketing assets. It’s outdoors, it’s positive and it’s fun. I have also developed new and relaxed photography field trips aimed at aspiring photographers are more interested in the creation of a good piece through observation, than the latest gadgets. Find out more and book here.